Page Last Updated:
July 2023

News & Events

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In Memoriam
June 2024

It is with sadness that we record the death of Harry Telfer.

In late 2010, Harry, along with John Nixon, Malcolm Dewhirst and the late Brian Blanchard suggested forming the Badger Hill Residents' Community Group to help bring about legislation to enable Badger Hill to maintain a balanced community and good environment in which to live. At that time, when Campus East was starting to be developed, many houses were being bought by landlords to house students (HMOs) and there was a fear that the community could cease being a family friendly place to live. Harry became the Chairman of the group and worked tirelessly to push for legislation limiting the number of HMOs in the area and provide free residents' parking.
We have much to thank him for.

We extend our condolences to his family.

Local Councillor Elections
May 2023

Local elections to appoint City of York councillors for council wards in York were held on Thursday 4 May 2023.

With Labour gaining overall control of the Council, they also won the vote of Hull Road Ward, with Cllr Sophie Angela Kelly, Cllr Anna Baxter and Cllr Michael Pavlovic being voted in as our new local Councillors.

Details of elected candidates can be found at

From December 2022

We can now recycle more items at the kerbside, including foil.

More information can be found at

Badger Hill Residents Facebook Groups

We have two Facebook groups for the local community to use.
Please join both groups to keep up to date with any local issues, businesses, sales, etc.

Residents' Facebook Group
A local community group for the residents of Badger Hill Estate in York, to keep up with local news, events, or to ask questions/advice from other locals.

Sales Facebook Group
A local community group for the residents of Badger Hill Estate in York, to sell/donate and buy items, whether it be furniture, children's clothes/toys, appliances etc.
Also for advertising local and independent businesses.

Past Events

Annual General Meeting 2023
28th June 2023

Our AGM was held on Wednesday 28th June at 7:30pm in Heslington Parish Church.

Click Here to view the minutes.

Roses 2023
University of York Sporting Competition
28th-30th April 2023

Roses is an annual varsity competition between the University of York and Lancaster University, and every other year it is held in York.
The event showcases over 50 sports playing 150 fixtures, and features a community afternoon and opening & closing ceremonies.

Roses 2023 Winners:
Lancaster University

Further information can be found at

Pension Bus
Various Dates 2022-2023

Badger Hill Residents Community Group's AGM 2022
22nd June 2022

Our AGM was held on Zoom on 22nd June 2022 with a good turn out.
A link to the minutes will be posted in due course.

Tree & Plant Identification Walk
23rd April 2022

Louise Cantlay from Edible York's Abundance Fruit Harvesting Scheme shared her knowledge of which plants and trees are presently growing in the Badger Hill Field.

Back in March 2022, local residents, Edible York volunteers, and the local Ward Councillors planted a lovely selection of 10 apple, pear and plum trees. These are now being watered and cared for by local residents.

The walk was followed up with a discussion of what other edible growing is possible on the field, and how it might be achieved. Though the field is wet and sometimes waterlogged in places there is considerable scope to encourage greater plant diversity as well as edible growing. Bill Eve from Edible York outlined what has worked well in other parts of the City also.

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